
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NT Scan

Look at Bean growing!! Holy cow! A human being!! He/She is just over 12 weeks old and measuring just over 2 inches long!

We had a scan done today to measure the fluid behind Bean's neck. This can tell that there is a problem like Down Syndrome and Trisomy 13 and 18. They want less than 2.50mm of fluid and Bean measured at 1.00mm! Good to go! I also got some blood work done, but I'm 100% sure that is going to come back fine!

Bean was being a little bit of a stinker and wouldn't move around for the tech to get to the back of the neck, so the tech was pushing and wiggling my stomach to get bean to move. At one point we saw a tiny little hand fly up and bean flipped over onto his/her side and stuck its butt out at us! it was so funny! it's like s/he was saying "I'm not ready to play yet, come back later!" Just like brian does...ooh man, am I in trouble or what?!

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